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Chronicles of Butterfly

Apparently we had reached a great height in the atmosphere, for the sky was a dead black, and the stars had ceased to twinkle. By the same illusion which lifts the horizon to On crossing the imaginary line drawn from Punta Mala to Azuera the ships from Europe bound to Sulaco lose at once the…

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Lens on Wood

It may seem strange to some readers to find an article touching on metaphysics in a magazine on guitar making; it will also seem perfectly appropriate to others that such a topic be included.

Hands of God

The metaphysics of the guitar has to do with “that extra something” that’s intangible and possibly even indefinable. Some guitars have it. Some don’t. It is variously called “the magic,” “the soul,” “the allure,” and so on, even though these terms can be elastic and elusive. None of this is exactly news to anyone who…

Human Faces

Human faces are very powerful. User Experience designer Aarron Walter describes in his book Designing for Emotion why we appreciate human faces so much. He explains that we are constantly exploring the world around us by looking for something familiar. Familiarity gives us a feeling of comfort and reassurance. When we see a face, we…

Photo Editing

Jelly-o cake chocolate bar marzipan. Jelly tootsie roll liquorice pastry brownie donut. Chocolate cake soufflé chocolate tiramisu cake candy cake sesame snaps. Sweet roll danish chocolate bar chupa chups tiramisu lemon drops. Topping lollipop jelly danish chocolate cake cookie bear claw pie chupa chups. Icing jujubes soufflé topping chupa chups chocolate pastry sugar plum danish.…